Four Paper Recycling Mistakes that Office Environments Make! Green Family Guide

The company recycles more than 800 tonnes of e-waste, plastic and consumables each year. For recycling purposes, e-waste is any electronic item that is broken, unusable or simply no longer being used. At Officeworks, you can drop off five items at a time of most types of e-waste, including: desktops, laptops, tablets, e-readers, computer mice.

Printable Recycle Bin Posters

Officeworks has been running the free secure recycling programme called Bring It Back since 2015 so customers can drop off their old smartphones, printers and print cartridges, pens and batteries. The Bring It Back programme partners with organisations including Planet Ark, Mobile Muster and TechCollect to ensure products are recycled properly.

What We Recycle Department of Public Works

First, back up your data to your cloud-based account so that you don't lose any important information or media. Next, log out of any cloud accounts and restore the phone to its original factory settings. This will wipe all your data from the phone. You can then upload your back-up files from the cloud to your new phone.

What Your Recyclables

Knowing what you can and can't recycle in your curbside bin can be confusing, which is why Officeworks and Planet Ark have teamed up to create the Australian.

Officeworks on Instagram “Don’t bin it bring it back to us! ♻️ Did you know that selected

C. Cables and chargers: OfficeWorks, TechCollect, Arnies Recon (Sydney based) Car batteries (old): Super Cheap Auto, Repco. Car oil (old): Super Cheap Auto. Carboard pizza boxes: they can be recycled in your general recycling bin, only if they're clean. Carpet: (no Upparel) (Printer Ink & Toner) Cartridges: OfficeWorks Cat and dog food pouches (soft plastic - as clean and dry as possible.

Waste Reduction Office recycling bins, Recycling station, Recycling information

Officeworks and Terracycle have teamed up to create an innovative new recycling solution in Australia, known as the Zero Waste Box platform. Learn more about.

Electronic Recycling Everything You Need to Know NOTEWORTHY at Officeworks

As a result, we saw a 39% increase in the volume of products collected from customers to be recycled, with 1,474 tonnes of unwanted products diverted from landfill during the financial year. With only an estimated 10% of batteries currently recycled in Australia, we were excited to launch our national battery recycling program during the year.

How Do I Recycle? Common Recyclables Reduce, Reuse, Recycle US EPA

The second thing you could do to recycle your collected pens is to bring your pens to the Officeworks recycling stations. In November 2019, shortly after the Recycling Week, Officeworks launched its national battery and pen recycling programme. Click here to find your local Officeworks and where you can use the free recycling options.

Officeworks wants you to return your old tech with the Bring It Back ewaste recycling program

Worn-out sports shoes can be dropped at one of TreadLightly's 800 collection sites nationally, for recycling on-shore into new products, such as rubber flooring, shock pads and playground underlays.

Officeworks Ark Recycling Near You

Learn what happens when you drop off your used printer cartridges to Officeworks for recycling.

Officeworks wants you to return your old tech with the Bring It Back ewaste recycling program

The 'Bring I.T. Back' Program is our way of helping to make a positive difference to the environment through approved recycling processes. Learn what happens.

What materials Cannot be recycled? updated September 2022

This National Recycling Week (13 - 19 November 2023), Australian retailer Officeworks has launched a partnership with Recycle Mate, designed to promote environmental sustainability and encourage responsible recycling. Officeworks said that the nationwide collaboration emphasises its ongoing dedication to helping its team members, customers.

What Can You Recycle in Your Office Our Guide to Office Recycling

Each year, Officeworks recycles more than 800 tonnes of electronics, plastics and consumables, repurposing materials - such as precious gold and copper from tech, for example - and reducing the amount of waste going into landfill. Do your part by gathering your old hard drives, computer monitors and cables, and taking them to your nearest.

Recycling Guide, Service Brochures & Posters Resource Center EDCO Signal Hill

Officeworks has ceased battery collection in store from February 2024 to focus on other streams including household products that are currently not easily recycled (like stationery). You can continue to use the Bring it Back program to recycle pens and markers, ink and toner cartridges, laptops, computers, tablets and technology accessories.

Beyond the Blue Bin Part 2 How to Make Your Recycling Count Recycle poster, What to recycle

Contacting Waster. If you're looking for different bin services, check our waste recycling shop and find the best deals in terms of pricing and services. Also, please call 1300 WASTER (1300 927 837), or email us at [email protected] if you have any further questions.

Waste Diversion in Offices Sustainability at SCU Santa Clara University

First, divide everything into piles. Break out some Post-it notes, moving boxes, and pens, and divide everything into piles labeled Donate (you can specify which organizations), Recycle, and Trash.
