De spannenste avonturen van Sherlock Holmes

A series of stories, including The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902), of known British writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle chiefly features Sherlock Holmes, the brilliant detective. Mary Foley, an Irish mother, bore Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle, the third of ten siblings, to Charles Altamont Doyle, a talented English illustrator of Irish descent. Although people now refer to as "Conan Doyle.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle De complete avonturen van Sherlock Catawiki

First published in 1892, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is the first and greatest of the… First published in 1892, The Adventures of Sherlock Hol… De avonturen van Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle | Goodreads

Arthur Conan Doyle De complete avonturen van Sherlock Catawiki

De Avonturen van Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Vertaald door Koen Van den Bruele) Publication date 2011-05-01 Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Topics Detective Verhalen Nederlands Sherlock Holmes Avonturen Collection opensource Language Interlingua.

De complete avonturen van Sherlock Holmes 9 van Arthur Conan Doyle

Get this from a library! De complete avonturen van Sherlock Holmes / Dl. 3 / [bew. door Jaap-Wim van der Horst].. [Arthur Conan Doyle; Mariëlla Snel; Jaap-Wim van der Horst; et al] -- Zes verhalen over de bekende Engelse speurder.

De complete avonturen van Sherlock Holmes, Sir Athur Conan Doyle 9789045413938 Boeken

De bekendste verhalen over de Britse speurder. Oorspr. Nederlandse uitg.: 1894 ; keuze uit: De avonturen van Sherlock Holmes

De Onbekende Avonturen Van Sherlock Holmes by DOYLE, Arthur Conan Fine Softcover (1987

De avonturen van Sherlock Holmes (originele titel The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes) is een collectie van 12 korte verhalen over de detective Sherlock Holmes, geschreven door Arthur Conan Doyle. Het boek is geïllustreerd door Sidney Paget . De verhalen in het boek werden aanvankelijk gepubliceerd in The Strand Magazine van juli 1891 tot juni 1892.

De complete avonturen van Sherlock Holmes, Sir Athur Conan Doyle 9789045413938 Boeken

100 books in 1001 days - 4 - De complete avonturen van Sherlock Holmes deel 2 by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle A little afraid to tell this. But unlike the first book I read, which included a study in scarlet. I didn't enjoy the second book as much as I figured I would. It has 5 or 6 short stories, which were nice, but didn't fully take my curiosity.

De complete avonturen van Sherlock Holmes 7 van Arthur Conan Doyle

De avonturen van Sherlock Holmes (Dutch Edition) - Kindle edition by Doyle, Arthur Conan, Santen, Gert van, Cnossen, Fanneke. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading De avonturen van Sherlock Holmes (Dutch Edition).

De complete avonturen van Sherlock Holmes Tweedehands BoekenBalie

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of short stories by British writer Arthur Conan Doyle, first published on 14 October 1892.It contains the earliest short stories featuring the consulting detective Sherlock Holmes, which had been published in twelve monthly issues of The Strand Magazine from July 1891 to June 1892. The stories are collected in the same sequence, which is not.

Daan Bos [Boekenplank] De Avonturen van Sherlock Holmes

Van het eerste boek zijn de hoofdstukken I, III, IV en V vertalingen van de avonturen VII, III, X en XI uit 'The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes' (beschikbaar via Gutenberg: eboek, audio luisterboek). Het tweede boek is een vertaling van de avonturen V tot en met VIII uit ' The Return of Sherlock Holmes ' (beschikbaar via Gutenberg: eboek versie 1.

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11.7k books22.5k followers. Follow. A series of stories, including The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902), of known British writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle chiefly features Sherlock Holmes, the brilliant detective. Mary Foley, an Irish mother, bore Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle, the third of ten siblings, to Charles Altamont Doyle, a talented.

De complete avonturen van Sherlock Holmes 12 van Arthur Conan Doyle Boek en recensies De complete avonturen van Sherlock Holmes: deel 2: 9789087200091: Arthur Conan Doyle, Mariëlla Snel: Books

Sherlock Holmes De hond van Baskerville van Arthur Conan Doyle bij

A series of stories, including The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902), of known British writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle chiefly features Sherlock Holmes, the brilliant detective. Mary Foley, an Irish mother, bore Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle, the third of ten siblings, to Charles Altamont Doyle, a talented English illustrator of Irish descent.

De complete avonturen van Sherlock Holmes 11 van Arthur Conan Doyle

Bestellen en betalen via bol. Prijs inclusief verzendkosten, verstuurd door HZYA. 30 dagen bedenktijd en gratis retourneren. Bekijk de extra voorwaarden van deze partner. Shop dit artikel. 34,95. De avonturen van Sherlock Holmes (Paperback). De avonturen van Sherlock Holmes is de bekendste Holmes-bundel. De twaalf klassieke verhalen vormden de.

Nieuwe avonturen van Sherlock Holmes, Conan Doyle A.

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Sherlock Holmes 3 De avonturen van Sherlock Holmes (ebook), Arthur Conan Doyle

LibriVox luisterboek van Verhalen van Sherlock Holmes, door Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Een verzameling van negen avonturen van Sherlock Holmes, de bekende Britse detective, en zijn compaan Dr. Watson. (Samenvatting door Julie VW) - De gebochelde, gelezen door Marcel Coenders. - De afgesneden ooren, gelezen door Julie VW.
